High school can feel impossible.

Let them know it’s not.

Sometimes you just need one person in your corner,
but it’s also nice to have 1,000.

A new class is starting their first semester of high school.
See how many people believe in them.

Add your name and show your support.

At Pathways to Education, we work with youth to provide the supports they need to overcome the barriers they face and graduate from high school. 

While every student has unique needs, one thing they all get from our program is knowing they have someone on their side to cheer them on as they take on the challenges they face throughout their high school experience. 

So, while having one person in your corner can make all the difference, imagine what having 1,000 would mean to a young person who needs it. 

Leave a message or add your name to the board to show your support for youth as they start a new school year.  

Abdenour D.

Seules les études bien menées ouvrent toutes les portes des filières choisies…
Alors, bon courage pour bien vous appliquer dans vos recherches et vos cours : la réussite est au bout de vos efforts.

Marie-Blandine D.

Les passages d’un cycle à l’autre peuvent être éprouvant mais rien n’est impossible lorsque l’on sait où l’on veut aller. Il faut croire en ses rêves tout en assurant ses arrières. Pour cela le travail bien sûr, et être attentif aux personnes que l’on croisent. Certaines vous apporteront beaucoup pour votre épanouissement personnel et professionnel même sans en avoir conscience. Ayez foi en vous et en vos capacités. Bon courage pour votre avenir.

Michelle L.

Whatever Path you end up choosing in Life
learning will always benefit and enhance your Future the rest is your own life endeavours and Experience

Art J.

Be happy & be well. We’ve got your back. 🙂

Sharyn A.

Take lots of notes, rd-write in full before going to bed, underline titles in red, or no-one them so subjects are easy to find. Do this religiously every day! Then if you have a test of exam, read your notes the night before the test, and get a good night’s sleep!!! The lesson should be fresh in your head as if you just learned it! DON’T RUSH TO FINISH THE TEST!!! Use alotted time wisely. When done, re-read answers and make any corrections before handing paper in. GOOD LUCK STUDENTS!!!👏👏👏

This worked for me👍

Christina M.

High School is the pathway too a big and brighter future !!!

Brenda K.

My words didn’t work for my daughter. She stopped going to school because it b came a tough place to be and she was always awake at night on her phone Let your parents take your phone away in the evening. Get a good sleep things will be brighter for you at school if you aren’t tired💕💥🌸

Ruth L.

Always ask for help when needed, always think “I can do it” because we all have something to add to our society, our town and country and to our families and friends.

Shirley G.

Your best days are in high school to get ahead in life and get a great job you like. Hang in there and don’t give up .Go Go Go

David F.

Je me présente David, j’aimerais tout simplement vous lever mon chapeau, vous êtes des gagnants. Continuez, ne lâchez pas… nous croyons en vous 😊💯😉

Susan T.

You are young yet. You have the strength to accomplish amazing things. Go for it

Bryce W.

The challenges you could face is worth it because you are a inspiration for someone that doesn’t think they deserve anyrhing…..prove them wrong and show them that this is a great feeling

Margaret-Anne T.

You can never have enough education,,,,,so….get going. High school is really just the ‘real’ beginning…..Enjoy, and have fun, too. Show up, Stand up and Speak up…..


“You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.”
Carl Yung

Luciana L.

Toute fois vous avez la volonté toute est possible

Francyne B.

Moi je veux bien vous dire que aujourd’hui c’est peut-être pas facile mes vous avec nous autres maintenant pour vous aidé vous n,êtres pas seul nous sommes là pour vous penser à nous pour vous!!

Ron W.


Suzanne B.

construisez votre avenir 🙂

on est derrière vous.


monique g.

je n ai pas eu la chance de faire mon secondaire pour des raisons familialle mais je suis pret a aide celui ou celle qui en aura besoin au mieux de ma connaissance

lisa f.

you can do this think what you might like to do and strive doe the best Good Luck students in your new school!! New school new beginnings!!!

Tina S.

Don’t give up! Keep it up!

Doug W.

Do not be afraid to be awesome!

Suzanne G.

De ne pas lâcher et de se concentrer d’étudier à tous les jours

Nicole G.

C est tout nouvesu pour vous cette année. Plusieurs locaux plusieursproff. Des choix a faire.Profitez de cette belle annee. Et montrez vous a la hauteur. Je suis avec vous !!

Mary M.

SCLM/SGVC supports you to the maximum potential !

Danya P.

You are strong, loved and essential to creating a world that works for all of us. Thank you for being your unique and beautiful self.

Amanda C.

Don’t be afraid to ask for support when you need it. You are far stronger and more capable than you realize!

Valiris L.

Chaque jour suffit sa peine au bout du compte tu apprendra tes forces et faiblesse qui te feras avancer !!!

Mariam E.

Take it one day at a time and enjoy the moments even the ones you don’t like so much! You can do this and you will thrive. And explore as much as you can, try new things, find out what you like. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You are a superstar you will do great!

Sabrina R.

« L’éducation est l’arme la plus puissante que l’on puisse utiliser pour changer le monde » – Nelson Mandela

Chris D.

You got this! We are here for you at Pathways to Education as you begin your high school journey! Anything is possible!

Chantal L.

On peut être un(e) adolescent(e) avec ses idées, ses envies, ses revendications, et un(e) bon(ne) élève. Réussir ses études, c’est se donner la liberté dans ses choix futurs.

Debbie E.

Follow your dreams and they will take you to amazing places.

Paige T.

You can do anything and everything you put your minds to, you are strong, smart and capable students! Pathways is here to support YOU!

Elizabeth C.

It is a brand new year, you can do it and make it your best.

Laura M.

So excited to watch this new cohort of students on their journey to finding what makes them fired up and pursuing where that takes them! You’ve got this and if not, we’ve got you!

Wendy V.

Your future is bright. Let hope be your guide!

Roger R.

You’re all amazing and we can’t wait to see all that you’ll accomplish. Have an awesome school year!

Jack B.

Keep these wise words in mind because you can achieve anything.

“I’ll be there someday, I can go the distance
I will find my way if I can be strong
I know every mile would be worth my while
When I go the distance, I’ll be right where I belong” – Hercules, I Can Go the Distance

Yvonne F.

You are the leaders of tomorrow and we are here to support you on your way!

Kathy A.

You got this! We are all rooting for you!

Henriette G.


Denis T.

Persévérance scolaire est difficile parfois
Mais tellement satisfaisant de savourer la réussite

Mike B.

You’re going to do great at this!

Emily M.

Put your hand over your chest . Feel the beat? That’s call purpose. You’re here for a reason.

Annie P.

Je me souviens très bien de mon enfance et adolescence. Aujourd’hui je suis maman de quatre enfants et grand- maman de trois enfants. Écoutez votre cœur, et nous sommes tous important et avons la même valeur. Ce qui est très important aussi, c’est de prendre le temps. Prendre le temps d’apprendre, de connaître, de se pratiquer encore et encore. De cette façon nous nous permettons de acquérir vraiment de nouvelles connaissances et la possibilité de les appliquer, c’est à dire de pouvoir s’en servir. De se tromper, cela fait partie de tous les apprentissages de la Vie.

Luwam T.

Wishing you the best of luck on the upcoming school year. You can do it!

Serina Z.

Congrats on a new beginning! Wishing you all the best in the new year.

Cindy S.

Le secondaire… pas toujours facile, mais une étape cruciale et une expérience tellement nécessaire! On pense très fort à vous, bon courage, vous êtes capables!

Faye D.

Highschool can be tough but you’re tougher!

Amy G.

You’ve got this! Believe in yourself and find others who believe in you too to help you through when the going gets tough. We all believe in you!

Stephanie M.

Congratulations on starting another school year! While it may feel scary, just remember there are lots of people rooting for you. Stay positive, you got this! 🙂

Diana L.

You can do it!! The bright future you dream about IS achievable! Go get it!! 🙂

Laura K.

Your future is bright and full of possibilities! You can do this.

Lynh X.

You belong and while HS isn’t the same for everyone just remember everything you experience will only make you stronger!

Violet L.

High school feels very long at first but then it passes in a blink of an eye! Remember to enjoy the moments before they become memories. Keep going and remember there’s people in your corner to support you!

Melecia D.

It may seem scary at first, but you can do it! Enjoy the experience that high school has to offer and the growth that comes from it.

Audrey D.

You are amazing! Keep going, we believe in you. 🙂

Tu es incroyable! Ne lâche pas, nous croyons en toi. 🙂

Michelle L.

I remember high school. It was both good and bad and I was so ready to get out of there and onto the next part of my life—and I did it. You will too!

Stew A.

There will always be challenges in life, use the adversity as motivation to become the best version of yourself!