To celebrate the end of the year, Pathways students helped us design a holiday greeting for our community of supporters who contributed to the success of the Pathways Program in 2021. Each of the submitted designs and the accompanying descriptions showcase the hope, joy, and resilience of being a student during another year of uncertainty and disrupted learning. As Pathways student, Rubina, says to accompany her submission:
“The world is ever-changing and so we learn to accept what is, but what evolves within us is “Hope.” Hoping for better days and good times. Hoping to find love, peace, and joy. Hoping for answers. Hoping to find ourselves in an unforgiving world. Hope. It’s what keeps us going. Never lose hope. Season’s Greetings to you and yours.”
Thank you for helping to close the gap between students in low-income communities and their education this year. And thank you to the Pathways students who took part in this project— your talent and creativity is inspiring us as we head into the holidays and the new year!
*Click on the images in the gallery below to enlarge each image and read the accompanying description.

The art work that I made is digital, and it’s 2 polar bears watching the night sky during winter, which has the northern lights, stars and shooting stars. The holidays remind me of togetherness and the 2 polar bears together represent that. I have never seen the northern lights but I hope too soon. –Addison

We live in trial times where everything vanishes before our eyes. Joy, Peace, Love and Humanity. The world is ever-changing and so we learn to accept what is, but what evolves within us is “Hope.” Hoping for better days and good times. Hoping to find love, peace and joy. Hoping for answers. Hoping to find ourselves in an unforgiving world. Hope. It’s what keeps us going. Never lose hope. Season Greetings to you and yours. –Rubina

I wanted my design to convey the idea of being united, sticking together, despite our differences. A lot has happened these past few months that have separated us, and through my design, I wanted to show that we're better when we work together. I wanted to show that we're all like ornaments on a tree, in a way. Each ornament is a different shape and, while pretty on their own, are truly eye-catching, the most beautiful, when they're all together. –Vivian

Mon dessin représente un igloo dans le calme froid de l'hiver avec un beau coucher de soleil. L'igloo représente une mini maison dans l'Arctique, au milieu de nulle part. Comme j'adore les couchers de soleil et que je trouve qu'ils ont de très belles couleurs, j'ai choisi d'en mettre un sur mon dessin. Je vous souhaite à tous un Joyeux Noël et une bonne année 2022! –Floralie

PATHWAYS APPRECIATION: As you can see, the drawing (done by me) shows butterflies released from a hand. This connects with what Pathways mean to me. Pathways is like the hand, which gives us students the freedom and ability to fly higher to accomplish their goals and dreams, just like the butterflies. The flight of butterflies isn't limited, nor is ours. Pathways want its students to be able to be whatever they want, however they want. Therefore, this drawing would really be suitable for the appreciation and the thankfulness of all Pathways has and is doing for us students. –Hina

What is the most joyful time of the year? It's Christmas, after all, and what better way to celebrate it than with some cute and cuddly little buddies! Enjoy this Christmas cover with a bunch of cats and dogs; after all, who doesn't adore these wonderful little creatures? The longer you gaze at this artwork, the more entertaining it becomes, whether it's dogs or cats hiding in gift boxes, or a cat munching on Santa's favourite cookie, the holiday season is nonetheless, full of surprises. –Jeel

My holiday card is a hand-made, watercolor illustration of a warm living room filled with the enthusiastic chirstmas spirit. My color palette for this peice are reds, greens, yellows, blues and browns. This painting consists of a decorated chirstmas tree with gifts underneath, a chirstmas themed wreath and two chirstmas stockings; all in a warm-toned room with fireplace and a painting above it. Finally, there is a little cat by the edge of the brick red sofa. –Maria

Cher Père Noël, je suis un grand fan de toi. J’ai fait un joli dessin qui te représente. La belle hotte pleine de cadeaux démontre que beaucoup d’enfants ont été très sages, surtout ceux de Passeport pour ma réussite. Ils méritent plein de beaux cadeaux. Le Père Noël que j’ai décidé a été très sage pour devenir qui il est. Joyeux Noël à tous! –Noah

An animated card I created with Canva. The card shows lots of pine trees with a stack of gifts and a group of friends. The colour scheme varies between lots of shades of green and blue. The saying on the card says; "Tis the season". I picked this because it's a neutral saying that works with everyone. –Titilola

J’ai pensé faire le père Noël pour le concours puisqu’il représente plutôt bien le temps des fêtes. Ma sœur a eu l’amabilité de vouloir posé pour ce portrait comme référence. Le père Noël si joint fait une pose décontractée très répandu chez les jeunes de notre génération (Z). J’ai aussi pensé faire la couleur de fond en vert pour représenter le sapin de Noël qui vole la vedette chez le maisonnée chaque 25 décembre. J’ai rajouté quelques verres de lait avec des biscuits puisque c’est l’offrande la plus répandue chez les enfants pour remercier le père Noël d’avoir confectionné tous leurs jouets, les avoir fait livrer et d’avoir accordé leurs veux. –Angelina

This card I did is an illustration done digitally. It shows a cold, chilly winter, there is a huge tree, with snow on it. Snow surrounds you, you see a person, the person seems familiar, but you can't wrap your head around who it is. Then you see them waving at you, saying, "Happy Holiday!", it's your friend, in a bright red jacket, standing out from the dull white surrounding you. There is a warm, fuzzy, welcoming feeling around you when you see someone you know. –Thomas

Le temps des fêtes est ma période préférée parce que je suis en congé de l’école. Je reçois aussi des cadeaux. J’espère que tu recevras de beaux cadeaux toi aussi et que tu profiteras de tes congés pour t’amuser, manger et jouer dehors dans la neige. Mon dessin représente un beau salon chaleureux lors de la veille de Noël. Joyeux Noël à toi! –Cassis

This artwork displays the goodness of Pathways and how they come together as a community. Pathways is an organization that supports and meets the needs of many students across different school boards. I am making this card to show my appreciation to everyone at Pathways. HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU ALL!! –Patrick

Mon bonhomme s'appelle Jean-François. Ce dessin démontre que peu importe qui on est, nous avons le droit au plaisir et à la joie, même si on est différent des autres., et surtout dans la période du temps des fêtes. Joyeux Noël à toi! Passe un bel hiver et une bonne nouvelle année. Je te souhaite de la santé et de la joie dans ton foyer. –Malik

The picture shows a broken snow globe containing a pine tree, with all the snow floating out of it and settling on the table it sits on, as if the holiday magic has broken free from its confines, shattering the glass that imprisoned it and spreading to fill the world, for if Dr. Seuss taught us anything with the Grinch, it’s that you can’t bottle up holiday cheer. –Penny

In snowy forest, there is a polar bear. The polar bear is interested by the cardinals. The cardinals are vibrant red, standing out on the white birch trees, while the snow is falling. There are pennants attached to the trees with the words “Merry Christmas” written on them. The snow has fallen beautifully on the ground, while more snow is falling onto it. –Muriel

My holiday card is a cute bear inside of a donut. It represents a kind friend, and representative for Pathways Canada. The bear is there to show something cute and cuddly for the holiday season, and it is inside the donut to represent the warmth and comfort that comes with the holiday season. I tried to use welcoming and calm colors for this art piece to fully help bring in that welcoming vibe. –Miranda

This picture represents that holidays are coming near. Let's start off with the sunrise. The sunrise represents that Christmas is coming near as the sun starts to awaken, the holidays will too. As the Holidays come near, more snow appears; as you can see in the photo it's snowing and the little spots of snow will soon get larger. The snowman represents the children coming together and having fun. They also are making use of their time now that it's winter break. Which means school is temporarily off. Now the kids can do anything within the days of holiday preparation. –Kim

Aujourd'hui j'ai décidé de dessiné un sapin de Noël avec Rudolph et des cadeaux. Pourquoi j'ai dessiné ça c'est parce que j'aime bien Noël. Aussi car Noël c'est ma fête préférée parce qu'on peut se gâter exemple: la dinde, les chocolats, la buche, les cadeaux, etc. J'espère que vous aimez mon dessin –Gabriel

Passeport pour ma réussite m'aide à réussir pour que j'atteigne mes rêves et mes objectifs. Pour moi, la fête de Noël est très importante, car elle me permet de passer du bon temps en famille. C'est tout ce que je demande! J'ai dessiné quelques activités d'hiver que j'aime faire et des dessins qui représentent Noël pour moi. Je souhaite Joyeux Noël à tout le monde! –Cédrick

Christmas is a great time of the year for many of us. When the jingle bells start jingling, we get a sense of joy, warmth, and nostalgia that Christmas is approaching. My Christmas card represents everything we do during the holiday season. When it's time to open presents, kids love to glance out the window to see whether Santa has arrived with gifts for them. Some children are so intrigued by Santa that they look up in the chimney to see if they may meet him. When we unwrap our gifts, we like to go outdoors and construct snowmen out of the lovely, gleaming snow. –Gurleen

Mon dessin représente le Pôle Nord qui est survolé par le traîneau du Bonhomme de neige de Noël et ses rennes. Les cannes de Noël donne un air festif au Pôle Nord. J'ai aussi voulu représenter les banquises parce qu'on est entrain de les perdre à cause du réchauffement climatique. Ce serait dommage de ne plus avoir un Noël blanc. Les ours polaires et les pingouins en souffriraient aussi! Je souhaite à tous un beau temps de fêtes! –Joshua

Dans mon dessin, j'ai utilisé une canne de bonbon comme canne pour marcher au bonhomme de neige mais qui fait aussi référence au support que passeport représente pour moi. Passeport est dans toutes les sphères de la vie étudiante, soutient académique moral et plus encore!! Merci pour tout votre support et aussi pour nos fous rires qui nous font du bien. Merci passeport vous faites une différence pour chacun de nous. –Kim

My artwork represents all cultures.We all do different things during the holidays which includes those who do celebrate and don't.We are all different and I believe my artwork showcases that.It also showcases how different everyone is and that everyone deserves to have a good holiday (including those who don’t celebrate)no matter their race,sexuality,personality and overall just who they are. “No one is, and that is your superpower.” ~ Elyse Santilli –Jailah

Le temps des fêtes est vraiment important pour moi. L'approche des vacances me rend très Joyeuse. J'aime ce temps qui est peu plus relaxe. Ce temps qui nous apporte du bonheur. Ce temps où il fait bon vivre. Je souhaite à tous de passer de Joyeuses Fêtes et un joyeux Noël. . Amusez-vous et que Noël vous apporte le plus beau cadeau. L'amour, l'amitié et surtout la bonne santé. –Émy-Alysson

Mon dessin représente le temps des Fêtes et le temps de l’hiver dans lesquels on passe de bons moments pour s’amuser. On se regroupe aussi en famille pour passer du bon temps. Il y a des gens qui répandent le bonheur en chantant de porte en porte. Permettant ainsi de donner un sourire aux gens seuls. C’est l’hiver! C’est le froid mais aussi la chaleur humaine! Que tous passent du bon temps! –Alexis

In my holiday card, I definitely wanted to portray some Christmas spirit. I drew some significant holiday known items such as a pretty Christmas tree, a mistletoe, some Christmas lights, and hanging lights which spell out, "Happy Holidays." Most importantly, the concept of my card that may speak out to some people are the people holding hands. Visibly, I wanted to encourage the idea that a person of any race and sexuality is always welcome and encouraged to join hands together, to celebrate this happy moment of the Christmas holidays. –Jamie

Dans le monde on fête Noël mais dans certains cas Noël ne porte pas le même nom. Ceci diffère des pays mais l’amour et la magie de Noël restent la même. On peut le fêter soit entre famille, soit entre amis ou encore avec des personnes défavorisées en leur offrant des cadeaux comme de la nourriture, du papier de toilette, des vêtements. Un simple geste peut faire toute la différence. Je souhaite à tous du pur bonheur! –Kelly-Ann

This piece of art that I have created is an artwork for the Christmas holidays. In the artwork you can see the reindeer Rudolf and the sled behind him I chose him as the center piece as he is basically the next big mascot in front of St. Nick. I chose these colors to highlight the reindeer. In this creation I used crayons, whiteout, a yellow highlighter and a sharpie which turned out pretty well. –John

C’est le cœur remplie de chaleur et de lumières que je souhaite le plus merveilleux des Noël. Que cette journée soit riche en douceur et qu’elle permette à tous de passer de merveilleux moments. Que ce temps rapproche tous les gens et qu’il leur permettre d’être plus heureux. Bonheur et santé! Joyeuses-Fêtes à tous. –Fabrice

This winter cottage, it’s windows glowing with warmth represents the joy and light brought by so many families and friends coming together and celebrating the holidays during the winter months. Even though the harsh cold, ice and snow prevail outside, the happiness and love coming from their joyousness of being together is felt in the hearts of all. –Elizabeth

My artwork is called "Happy Holidays in a Pandemic". It represents, well, spending your holiday in a pandemic. Towards the bottom, there is a part of the earth which has a few text bubbles floating. They show that people around the world are only able to wish their friends and families through texting. Since they are in French, English and Spanish, they depict that this is for people all around the globe. There are fireworks to express the true holiday spirit. Lastly, there is a mask hanging off of the title to exaggerate the fact that there is a pandemic. –Feyrous

My artwork includes a snow globe, with 2 trees decorated with ornaments inside. I added that because snow globes are cool. In addition, there's a huge candy cane beside the snow globe and I put it there because candy canes are significant to the holidays. Then, I added a "Happy Holidays" sign. I decided to add that because my artwork is based on the holidays and I wanted to wish others an amazing holiday. –Sophia

Un bon chocolat chaud entouré des gens qu'on aime. Quoi de mieux pour l'équipe passeport et le temps des Fêtes. Le chocolat chaud représente la tradition de la table gourmande. Chocolat chaud, mini-guimauves, c'est ma tradition préférée. Entouré de gens qu'on aime quoi demander de mieux. Je vous souhaite de très joyeuses fêtes!! –Aurélie

Ce dessin représente mon salon la matinée de Noël. Mon chat gratte le sapin , La chaleur du salon me réchauffe. Le nouveau divan que mes grands parents nous ont offert au réveillon je l'aime beaucoup. La couleur fait très chic. J'ai très hâte d'ouvrir mes cadeaux. Le mien c'est le jaune et le mauve c'est à mon grand frère. J'ai très hâte à cette période de l'année! Joyeuses-Fêtes! –Émile

This is a card showing 3 things,a snowy background ,a reindeer and Christmas s trees.All these things have something to do with Christmas.The inspiration behind this was that this image was actually in my dream.So I hoped with this dream I can make this image.The image of this picture is called "reindeer's greetings". –Dharan

Passeport pour moi c'est comme un cadeau gratuit qu'ils nous offre. Passeport nous aide quand on a de la difficulté dans nos matières. L'équipe offre aussi du mentorat. Le mien c'est celui de création. C'est l'fun! Quand j'ai de la difficulté on m'aide et on me conseille pour passer mon année scolaire. Passeport fait beaucoup de choses pour nous et j'apprécie ça. Quand on a pas de travail à faire il nous en donne pour mieux comprendre notre matière en difficulté. Merci Passeport et joyeuses-Fêtes! –Mathis

My card represents the Christmas season and relatively new Year. It is a simple greeting for 2 of the biggest holidays of the year. My picture has the red and white elements of Christmas and snowflakes that come throughout the holiday season. The card is easy to read and understand for older people and younger children. –Itrina-kay

My holiday card portrays a simple illustration of Christmas. I added a Christmas tree because I love putting up the Christmas tree and decorating it, to prepare for the holidays. Additionally, I added my two favourite animals, the bear and squirrel. Most importantly, I added Santa Claus because he is the “Father of Chritmas”, who brings joy to everyone's faces when he leaves us presents. –Niña

I created a simple greeting card to reflect the beauty of the winter season. It depicts a traditional white pine tree surrounded by white background that imitates snow . It exemplifies the season's peacefulness and serenity. The card I developed can be used for any appropriate occasion, and it's quite aesthetically pleasing, with simple, clear phrases that can be changed in any way you would like. This card is ideal for individuals who don't celebrate Christmas but yet want to enjoy the spirit of the season. –Siham

J'ai décidé de faire des cactus de Noël, car j'aime les cactus et je trouve que c'est plus original qu'un sapin de Noël. J'ai rajouter quelque lignes de tous genre pour faire un décor sans remplir la page d'une couleur. J'ai aussi ajoutée des dessins de Noël de base comme le bonhomme de neige, le sapin et des chapeaux de Noël. –Alysson

Bonjour, je vous présente un manga, c'est une illustration d'un personnage de manga démontant la souffrance avec des cornes de cert de Noël. Grâce à Passeport pour ma réussite le projet d'étude n'est plus une souffrance et c'est un beau cadeau que les gens qui ont contribués au projets nous offres. Merci et Bon Noël! –Tracie

J'ai dessinée une boule de neige car Passeport pour moi c'est comme un rêve ou une magie ce créée avec les amis les intervenant et nos études. Gâce à ce projet je vais surement augmenter mes notes scolaires, car toute les service sont disponible pour me soutenir et m'aider à réaliser mon rêve d'augmenter mes résultats scolaire. –Charité

--English-- Winter is offering us a great Christmas once again. We all know the atmosphere of Christmas. The hype when you find the gifts at the bottom of the tree and the letters you used to write and send them to the North Pole. The snowman you used to build , but you stopped making them. The snowman is not happy. --Français-- L'hiver nous offre à nouveau un grand Noël. Nous connaissons tous l'ambiance de Noël. Le battage médiatique lorsque vous trouvez les cadeaux au pied du sapin et les lettres que vous aviez l'habitude d'écrire et de les envoyer au pôle Nord. Le bonhomme de neige que tu construisais, mais tu a arreter de les faire. Le bonhomme de neige n'est pas content. –Hamza

On my Christmas card and I drew a Christmas tree, a snowman, a house and a small house in the distance. Those are the simple things that I drew but in the drawing there are small details that mean a little more. Like the smoke coming out of the house, that is shaped like a heart. And that the houses are not the most prettiest or riches houses of them all, just to show that anyone’s Christmas can be a true Christmas. I also included a snowman with one arm, gold streaks in the Christmas tree and star, one particular snowflake that has a design (the rest don’t) and finally two small Christmas presents. –Trinity

J’ai voulu créer un endroit qui représente le rassemblement familial. C’est l’endroit qui est désigné pour recevoir les cadeaux du Père Noël. Le coin de repos pour ce distributeur de surprises où il peut prendre sa pause biscuit et lait avant de reprendre sa tournée . La salle qui voit naître les souvenirs où les enfants et les adultes se rassembleront le matin de Noël pour ouvrir les cadeaux. Mes Noël en famille ont toujours eu lieu dans le salon mais sans manteau de cheminée. J’ai voulu recréer un salon typique des histoires de mon enfance. Un Noël antique chaleureux où on entend le bruit des bûches de bois crépiter par une froide journée de décembre. –Eva-Sofia

Alors ce dessin est composé d'un divan bleu avec un cadre au-dessus, des bas de Noël accroché sur la cheminée, un sapin de Noël avec des cadeaux en-dessous, un tapis vert en avant de la cheminée et des guirlandes de lumière en rouge et vert. Ce dessin représente un grand salon décorer en l’honneur de Noël, le 24 décembre mais avec personne pour fêter à cette endroit formidable. –Élodie

Une nuit, une aurore boréale étaient dans le ciel. Personne n'était dans la maison. Il ne restait qu'un bonhomme de neige presque entrain de fondre au soleil. Le ciel était très beau. Pour une fois, tout le monde était heureux. Les enfants jouent dans la neige et un chien court autour. C'est une belle journée d'hiver. –Mikah

Three fairies are enjoying the holiday season at their mushroom home in the enchanted forest at dusk. one of the fairies is building a snowman and the two others playing hide and seek. The trees have a blanket of snow on them as does the ground. I made this card with water colour and sharpie ! –Kaitlyn

Noël, plus qu'un événement spécial, est aussi un jour spécial que plusieurs n'ont pas la grâce de vivre. Souvent par manque de moyens, certains n'ont pas de famille et d'autres pas de maisons. Mais pour ce jour spécial, je vous souhaite un Noël rempli d'amour, entouré des vôtres. Une journée bénit marquera une nouvelle atmosphère dans vos vies. Ainsi, avec beaucoup d'amour, Joyeux Noël! –Joella

Mon dessin représente le renne au nez rouge. J'ai indiqué le Pôle Nord, le Pôle Sud et la direction vers Passeport pour ma réussite sur des pancartes. Il y a aussi des flocons et une lune avec une aurore boréale verte dans un ciel rempli de millier d'étoiles. Mon dessin représente Noël au Pôle Nord. –Maxime

My artwork was designed to show appreciation to every holiday during the Winter season. When people think of the holidays, they only think of Christmas. There are other holidays such as Three Kings Day, Kwanzaa, New Year, Hannukah, St. Nicholas Day, Mardi Gras, and others. Other holidays are not highlighted like Christmas in the media due to their popularity. This work of art is inclusive and its main focus is the winter season. –Grace

I have lovingly worked into this piece, adding texture, colour, light and shadows. This art work is special to me because it has a meaning of thanksgiving. I wanted to create a big bright colourful drawing full of happiness and vibrant energy. It’s an ideal big piece of bold art for the confident viewers. –Sifora

Artwork is something that helps you to create something unique and help you to tell what's in your mind and also help you to identify the emotion of someone who want to say something to you. My inspiration in artwork is it helps me how to communicate something imaginable to bring to reality. I have been drawing arts since I was a child and I began to improve it as I grow up. Some people say there is no must in art because art is free, and that's true because we can not control our artistic imagination or our drawing. In a nutshell, artwork can help us to build our unique imagination and creativity. –Milka

I whole heartedly made this artistic piece to wish everyone happy holidays. I used in order to complete this art and in addition to that I employed elements and colours from this platform. Since Pathways to Education is a program where they help young people improve their education, I wanted to demonstrate the idea of 'unveiling your gift or present', which means to reveal one's interest, talent or possession. As a result, people around you would be amazed and perhaps be encouraged to display their gift as well. Not only that, but it may provide you with feelings of fulfilment that you so well deserve since you can achieve everything you put your mind to. Clearly, our gifts were bestowed to us by the Higher Power thus we must put them into good use. –Daffodil

Holiday cards are a wonderful way to spread Christmas and holiday cheer. I chose basic colours that, when combined, are nonetheless attractive to the eye, in this case gold and white. I was able to accomplish a sleek, elegant, stylish, modern and clean design while still being able to display and display some festive and joyous holiday spirit. Because the main objective of this card is to share a pleasant message about Christmas traditions, it's also a method of wishing individuals well during this Christmas/holiday season, which may be a difficult time for some people regardless of faith or culture. –Zafiraah

This card is made for Happy New years.It is a great way of wishing someone for a new year. This card does not only wish them Happy New year but has a drawing of a girl to get them inspired and feel happy.This card rather than using one colour uses multiple colours so it doesn’t look so boring but make it look enjoyable. –Shaista

the card can be given in any winter holiday like Christmas and new year for wishing them the best. it is nice to wish them and you can write a pleasant note and make them feel nice and they could get a really good feeling. in it you can write things on the outside of the card like their name –Ghazala

This card was created with everyone in mind. That is to say, it is respectful of different religions and cultures. It is not entirely intended towards Christmas as it says "happy holidays." I believe that by using the words “happy holidays” I am referring to christmas, new years and just the winter season in general for families who don't celebrate either. Although the image in the backdrop is of a christmas tree, which is traditionally associated with Christ and the Christmas holiday, I believe it is just a depiction of festive enthusiasm. A beautiful compromise that may be embraced by people of various cultures and faiths. –Zoiyaah

The card is meant to encourage unity and impede all of the divisiveness that is going down in the world right now. The message of “Happy Holidays” for the reader is non-denominational and can support all cultures and beliefs. The people at the bottom of the card are supposed to symbolize the persevering togetherness of humanity, despite the numerous crises occurring around the world. –Ishan

This card aims to encourage unity and peace this holiday season. My card greets the reader with “Seasons Greetings” so that the message is non-denominational and can be sent to all people, promulgating equality. The two doves symbolize peace so that all of us can be peaceful because right now there is a lot of struggle and turmoil around the world, like in Afghanistan or Indigenous communities in Canada. There is a heart in the shape of two hands shaking to represent unity because there is a lot of polarity and division in the world right now. With my holiday card design, I want to inspire unity and peace. –Sara

Hi, in my artwork I decided to do a pyramid of donuts. I did a pyramid for a tree or holiday tree. At the top of my donut pyramid there's a blob that I named Jeff. In a lot of art I do I like to make small creatures, and I wanted to include that. Jeff represents the holiday start or angle that goes on the holiday tree. The icing on the donuts are the colors that represent the coming up holiday. –Samantha

This holiday card shows that it is the time for fun and relaxation. The kids playing represent the kid inside us who wants to have a good rest and time over the holidays. The card is not for Christmas itself as not all people celebrate it. So to make it more inclusive, there is no direct Christmas wish, but there is the colour of Christmas, Red and Green, and a bauble for those who do celebrate it. But, for those who don't celebrate it, it wishes them a good, restful holiday and a fun time with snow. –Aanubhuti

What I drew as my holiday card is showing two sheep enjoying the sight of the star on top of a Christmas tree. As the holidays are about spending time with the ones we love even when not everyone is present physically, which is essential now through the pandemic. I also added the star at the top of the tree which is a holiday tradition for many. This card was created with the mindset of showing the joy of just celebrating the holidays in what we now know as ‘somewhat normal’. –Ranielle

𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖒𝖆𝖘 is certainly the best time of the year. My Christmas card is always about the different things we do knowingly and unknowingly when Christmas 𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖘. Many people enjoy the festive season and allow people to appreciate their loved ones. The tree drawn on my card represents the excitement children have while putting the ornaments and presents. The beautiful and colourful fireworks show the happiness and prosperity of the year. Finally, the warm 𝖍𝖔𝖙 𝖈𝖍𝖔𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖊 in the winter, as well as sitting next to the fireplace on Christmas Eve and waiting for Santa to give the gifts, are once-in-a-lifetime experiences. –Barunjit

Ce que représente ce dessin c'est la féérie de l'hiver. J'adore les tempêtes de neige et la vie qui se passe autours du village. J'ai mis une feuille de Gui pour rajouter de la gaité. Le bleu représente l'ambiance relaxante du temps des fêtes. Ce temps qu'on prend pour soi, le temps qu'on prends pour refaire le plein d'énergie. Le temps des fêtes est important pour moi puisque ça représente l'amour. –Félicia

On my Holiday card, it depicts a warm and cozy house on a cold winter day. There is a fireplace that makes the house warm. On the fireplace there are two stockings hanging down from it, knowing that it represents Christmas. Moreover, the two hot drinks that have Christmas colours on it are close to each other to keep warmth. The mugs are smiling because they are in a warm house while spending time with each other. –Razile

My artwork is about a Christmas morning. A family of four and there lovely house. There excited for the holidays and want to wish. Everyone in the neighborhood merry Christmas. Their house represents the cool Christmas morning. The snowman represent the kids playing outside on winter break. Its snowy outside with trees coved in snow and inside one of the windows you can see their Christmas tree. This is the description of my picture. –Nyla

This art signifies the upcoming holiday, Christmas. It also shows a snow man, signifying that snow will be dropping and people can have fun building snowmen. The "Happy Holidays" is a greeting, used to recognize the upcoming holidays on the December schedule as well as Christmas for those who celebrate it. The colorful colors represent the colors that are used for bells during the winter. –Mohamad

Lately I have been into frogs and cute and simple cards, so I thought of the idea of two things I like. Though simple, I believe more is less sometimes and this is one of the moments. cute, simple, and sweet. Though it looks rough and such, it's still a nice and sweet card, leaving the attention to the kind note you may write on the inside. –Erinayo

I wanted to do this to bring some one joy and so they know that there. Is some one thinking about them even if they feel they have know one the Willow tree shows life though out the cold the bunny tail with the lamp shows warmth though out the cold but even tho its cold there will places to go the sown with the shadows show even tho there a bit of darkens there will be light and joy and happiness that can be found I just hope that I did some thing that when they look at this card it brings the joy and happiness and meaning to them –Liberty

My artwork represents the snowy white Christmas weather. I think it’s a very calm and relaxing photo of winter on a snowy Christmas day , The Pathway program is a great way to refer to my Christmas card, the reason being is because Pathways helps me to be come wile working hard they always encourage you to do well in tests and homework, if anything happens and you did not do so well they are there for you to help you study to do well afterwards. Thank you –Thalia

This artwork represents a Christmas themed holiday message with a Christmas tree snow globe. It represents an ideal Christmas symbol but it's all in a snow globe, reflective of current times and how it's all in a bubble; untouchable. We all have something we want to go back to, a more familiar, warm memory, something of the past, and the globe represents that. The snow penguin represents the distorted reality we're living in, but it's okay because it's the holidays! Am I right? –Elvis

The bold letters of Merry Christmas is to state the holiday. Icicles represent the season with a wilted branch to support the idea of the snowy Winterland of winter. There on the branches, sits a calling bird, a bird that represents a part of Christmas in its own part. It represents the calling of winter, because when these birds call it, also leaves the country/place that winter has affected and tries to find a warmer place to live while winter subsides. The mistletoe and bells signify happy times, romance, love and etc, all the things that Christmas is supposed to represent I guess. –Kean

This artwork of mine represents a silent Christmas. A Christmas that some people experience every year with the joy of the calmness that occurs after the laughter, joy, happiness and lots of love. This artwork also represents goodwill towards our loved ones, where just a place outdoors can easily lead one person to think "where would I be without these people, the ones that hold me so dear?" that is what I personally think about this artwork of mine. –Gian

My card is based off the holiday Christmas. Everything in the picture has to do with Christmas; the tree is decorated with ornaments, and you could put anything on it and decorate it with the family. The candy canes are tasteful and a great holiday snack for any time of the year. And, along with the snow, everyone loves a white Christmas. –Koda

My card is based off of Ali Kafaty because he was with Lila and she doesn't celebrate Christmas. So, it represents people not celebrating the holidays. But, his sweater is red and green and that shows most of the Christmas colours, so if you celebrate it then it shows that too. So no matter if you celebrate a holiday or not it is okay. Happy holidays! –Jay

My card is based on Christmas and the winter season. Even though its based on Christmas, it could be used for any seasonal holiday. On my card there is a freshly made snowman with a cute pink scarf around his neck. There are many Christmas trees covered in snow, a little cottage with different coloured lights, and a wreath with a small red bow just above the door. –Kaitlyn

My card is based more off of Christmas, but it could be used for any holiday even though my main inspiration was Christmas. This is because when I see snowmen, penguins in hats, lights, and candy canes, it makes me think of Christmas/ holiday time. I know not everyone does Christmas so they could use it for any holiday. It could be a good card to give to friends or family to show them how special they are to you on these holidays. –Sheleea

My drawing represents a Christmas tree. I feel like it represents happiness and joy because it means to them that Christmas is coming. It makes them really happy because on Christmas morning they get to open presents from under the tree. I feel like you may also decorate your Christmas tree as a fun activity. Christmas trees can be for mostly everyone because there are some religions that don't celebrate it. There christians that celebrate it differently that talk about Jesus in stuff but they still do give gifts. In this day in age I feel like kids should also give gifts. –Christopher

Holiday Traits ─ It simply shows the holiday feeling/traits everyone should be feeling on the holidays and through the year: family, fun, sharing, laughing, giving, cherishing, and so much more. The holiday season should be the time you’re around your family, and friends, sharing, and giving, and it may be the presents you’re receiving wrapped with love, and care. –Julia

ENGLISH: This artwork is about Santa Claus who has full control over the winter Christmas. The cold feeling that makes you shiver through your whole body. The Reindeer that watches over the ground from the sky. The man who goes to your chimney to give you goods. The genius who knows how to think with right decisions. FRENCH: Cette œuvre d'art concerne le Père Noël qui a le plein contrôle sur le Noël d'hiver. La sensation de froid qui vous fait frissonner dans tout votre corps. Le renne qui veille sur le sol depuis le ciel. L'homme qui va à votre cheminée pour vous donner des biens. Le génie qui sait penser avec les bonnes décisions. –Hanz

HOLIDAY CARD: While making the holiday card, my main focus was to try to include every cultures' celebration. To incorporate that, I put symbols of different holidays between the text (ex. Diya for Diwali or Dreidel for Hanukah). Additionally, if you noticed, the ornaments with 2021, you would see a globe ornament rather than a 0. That is another incorporation to acknowledging the other holiday Same goes for the greetings too, which was written not to wish just one specific holiday but all holidays. –Hina

In my work, I decided to reflect the spirit of Christmas. And Christmas is one of the bright holidays for which you want to give gifts made by yourself. In my drawing, I depicted a time of frost, fluffy snow, miracles and a fabulous mood. I wanted to convey the holiday of magic, the fulfillment of desires, the joy of unexpected and pleasant surprises –Anna

This is a grumpy, ancient ent (tree person) named BurrBeard. Normally, he`d be sleeping until the stars come out, but on Christmas day, it`s said that BurrBeard almost becomes a different person. He gets in the jolly spirit and becomes like that grandma that has an infinite supply of chocolate chip cookies. BurrBeard walks into villages around the Ent Forest and gives little presents to big and small children alike. –Jai

Le gros «Happy Holiday» veut dire qu'il faut bien profiter et se relâcher pendant ces belles et longues vacances. J'ai dessiné des activités cool à faire pendant les vacances. Le hockey est un sport amusant en équipe comme avec vos amis ou même votre famille. Le snowboard aussi très amusant quand il y a beaucoup de neige. Puis, la luge est super bien quand on habite à proximité d'une montagne. Puis, ce chaleureux chocolat chaud, cette boisson béni des dieux. Je vous souhaite de merveilleuses fête. –Iowen

My holiday card is about to Snow days and how much joy they bring to children. I remember one of my first snow days me and my sister got ready for school and my father came out to tell us that we had no school so as quick as we could me and my sister put on our snow pants and ran outside as fast as we could. We were ecstatic that we had no school and it was snowing. I remember westarted making a snowman and then we ran inside to grab a carrot nose A scarf and a hat then we went back outside to find some rocks for the face and for the body and broke off sticks from the tree to use as arms.As we stood back and looked at the beautiful snowman we made we were so happy. Then we went inside for some hot chocolate. So that is what my holiday card means to me. Hope you have a great holiday. –Lucy

This is a holiday card that I based off of Christmas and Hanukkah which are the only two holidays I know about in the winter. To represent Christmas I put flowers that are usually on carol reefs. To represent Hanukkah I put candles beside the "Enjoy The Holidays". To represent Winter in general, I put 2 big snowflakes and a picture of little polka dots to make it look like it's snowing. At the bottom left corner, I added the Pathaways logo and I chose the colors of everything to match the Pathaways colors. –Parth

Joyeux Noël et bonne année pour tout le monde. Je vous souhaite une bonne santé et beaucoup de bonheur pendant toute l'année. Je vous souhaite du succès dans tous les projets que vous allez entreprendre. J'espère que vous recevrez de beaux présents et beaucoup d'amour. Bonnes vacances avec vos parents et vos amis. –Ismaël